Grant Roe

Grant Roe, BE(Hons) MEngSc MBA MIEAust CPEng NER, Managing Director, Costin Roe Consulting

Grant Roe


Managing Director

“Precision, communication, accountability. It’s not just what we believe in. It’s what we deliver. Absolutely.”


“I’m an engineer first and foremost, taking an active interest in every project from a technical perspective. But it’s my responsiveness and accessibility to clients that really makes a difference in their experience of our firm. I’m never too busy to resolve a critical situation, or smooth things interpersonally for the client where contractors and other stakeholders are concerned. I tell clients: ‘I’ve got your back in this,’ and mean what I say.”

Grant RoeGrant Roe has a Masters degree in Engineering and Masters degree in Business Administration. Grant joined Costin Structural in 1990, becoming an Associate in 1995, Partner in 1999, Director of the renamed Costin Roe Consulting in 2001, and Managing Director in 2016.

“I could have taken my career in any number of directions after gaining my first degree. Starting as a junior structural engineer with Wayne Costin, when Wayne had only just started his practice, became an extremely fortunate move for me. Wayne was a generous mentor in my maturation as an engineer, and with his approach to technical innovation, way ahead of many structural engineers of the time. As the firm started to grow, Wayne’s ethos of client-focused, value-added engineering services became the corporate culture.”

Grant Roe competing in Tour de France

“Albert Einstein thought of his theory of relativity while riding his bicycle but the idea couldn’t have occurred to him during an endurance ride through the Haute Pyrénées in south-western France, this I know. I had nothing on my mind but pushing through pain and doing my personal best. I’d never get to wear the yellow jersey at this stage, not unless I bought one, but I’m still racing competitively in Australia and overseas.”

Understanding the new context of risk in structural engineering: BIM and AI

Throughout the global engineering profession, there is an ongoing academic discussion about the need to contextualise risk for society in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Structural engineers, as experts in risk associated with the built environment, are more often relied upon to explain the contemporary concept of risk to clients, partners, and associates. Grant [...]

Dealing with ‘nasty’ black marks on new warehouse flooring

Some owners and occupants of new high-bay warehouses are concerned to find the pristine appearance of floor surfaces becoming blemished by black marks that resist cleaning. Grant Roe, BE(Hons) MEngSc MBA MIEAust CPEng NER, explains why this common problem is often misunderstood and prescribes the appropriate solution. There can be technical misunderstandings behind trade-level advice as to […]

Costin Roe wins ‘unusual’ ACSE award for Excellence in Structural Engineering

For civil and structural engineering firm Costin Roe Consulting, winning the 2016 ACSE NSW structural engineering excellence award in the category ‘Unusual Projects’ for work on the Veolia MBT facility at Woodlawn, near Goulburn, brings wider attention to the firm’s role in completing one of the world’s most remarkable eco-projects. A ‘good news’ story for […]

Innovative seamless construction for heavy-duty industrial pavement

Conventional pavement construction relies on movement joints which can cause costly maintenance issues when used in heavy-duty industrial environments. Grant Roe discusses innovation in pavement construction and where seamless pavement is a good solution. The joints in traditional ground-supported concrete flooring and pavements are designed to control cracking by allowing for movement. Horizontal movement is caused by concrete shrinkage […]

Misunderstanding and lack of precision cause issues with structural steel bolting

Insufficient understanding of the distinction between torque and tension in structural steel bolting can mean the structural reliability of steel buildings is compromised over time by loose bolts. Prominent engineer, Grant Roe, explains why this problem occurs and how it can be prevented or fixed if detected. The construction of steel buildings in most industrialised nations is regulated by standards. […]

Structural reliability and risk-informed decision-making by property owners

The development of high-bay warehousing facilities as distribution centres means greater risk to business in the unlikely event of structural failure. Should the owners of distribution centre properties take additional measures to hedge against this greater concentration of risk? In contemporary supply chain management there is a strong movement away from the traditional network of warehousing facilities, staged at […]