Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson, Director, Costin Roe Consulting

Mark Wilson

B Eng (Civil) B Surv ME CPEng

Director of Costin Roe Consulting

“An holistic approach to engineering solutions integrating all aspects of the technical and practical.”


"Travelling and working professionally in other countries helped shape who I am as an engineer. There’s nothing like it for honing the skills of invention and negotiation, particularly with major civil projects in nations that are nowhere near as well-organised and resourced as Australia. It challenged me on every level, and I certainly grew."

Mark WilsonMark Wilson has 15 years’ experience as a consulting engineer, and three as a surveyor. Known for being easy to work with, Mark is exceptionally responsive to client needs, especially when urgent project requirements need to be addressed. Mark became an Associate Director of Costin Roe Consulting in 2014, and Director 2016.

"What I like most about my role at Costin Roe Consulting is the opportunity to build relationships with clients. The project is always at the centre of the relationship. I also like the holistic approach required in civil engineering projects, where solutions demand the integration of numerous engineering aspects, from the technical to the practical."

Mark Wilson surfing

"I enjoy surfing almost as much as I enjoy engineering. It’s about gravity, inertia and balance. The difference with surfing is that there’s no time to consider or calculate. You’re out there one-on-one with this awesome, unpredictable energy and you have to intuit your way through the whole encounter, moment by moment. In a sense, life is a metaphor for surfing."

Recent news about Mark Wilson

CRC civil engineering project ‘Highly Commended’ by Stormwater NSW

At the Stormwater NSW Awards 2019 event held in February 2020, Costin Roe Consulting was Highly Commended for Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design for the remediation and upgrade of a public water asset to facilitate an industrial infill development on a formerly contaminated site in western Sydney. It’s the second time in recent years that […]

Upgrading infrastructure for award-winning PFD facility at Chullora NSW

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Flood assessment for industrial development within new ‘Aerotropolis’

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New associate directorships announced by CRC

Costin Roe Consulting announced the appointment of Xavier Cure, Civil Senior Design Engineer, as Associate Director. Xavier joins another recently-appointed Associate Director, Dermot Nolan, as a role-model and example for junior engineers who join the firm with the intention of refining their skills, gaining experience, and progressing toward positions of leadership within the firm and the field. […]

Costin Roe recognised for Excellence in sustainable Stormwater Design

Civil engineering by Costin Roe Consulting at Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 1 has been ‘Highly Commended’ for ‘Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design’ and the achievement of ‘world leadership in sustainable design’. Costin Roe Consulting was given special recognition during the annual award presentations at the Stormwater NSW Conference 2017, held in Newcastle where the […]

CRC engineers reach for their personal bests in SMH Half Marathon

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