
Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design - Highly Commended

At the Stormwater NSW Awards 2019 event held in February 2020, Costin Roe Consulting was Highly Commended for Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design for the remediation and upgrade of a public water asset to facilitate an industrial infill development on a formerly contaminated site in western Sydney. It’s the second time in recent years that […]

Tanaz Dhondy presents research paper

Tanaz Dhondy, Costin Roe Consulting design engineer, spoke on the topic of resilient infrastructure for climate change at the World Engineers Convention in Melbourne, 22-24 November 2019. A PhD candidate at the University of Wollongong, Tanaz presented a research paper titled: ‘Use of sea sand seawater concrete for efficient and sustainable building practices’. The World […]

Integrated stormwater design Chullora NSW

Costin Roe Consulting designed the integrated stormwater and remediation of a degraded section of the upper Cooks River, an asset of Sydney Water, resolving differing stakeholder requirements through collaboration to improve flood impacts and facilitate an environmentally-efficient industrial infill development. The principles of Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) guided engineering by Costin Roe Consulting to design […]

TUFLOW 2E Hydrodynamic modeling of Mamre Road Wester Sydney

Costin Roe Consulting produced a civil engineering report and water cycle management strategy, including TUFLOW 2D hydrodynamic flood modelling and assessment, to support an application for industrial development within the newly-defined Aerotropolis zone which surrounds the new Western Sydney Airport. When the NSW Government confirmed Badgerys Creek as the location for Sydney’s much-needed additional airport, […]

Tanaz Dhondy wins international award

Costin Roe Consulting design engineer and PhD candidate, Tanaz Dhondy, received an award for ‘Best Oral Presentation’ following the delivery of her preliminary research findings at the inaugural International Workshop on Coastal Reservoirs held in January 2018, at the University of Wollongong. Titled: Investigation of the chemical and physical properties of sea sand for the […]

Horsley Drive Business Park aerial view

Civil engineering by Costin Roe Consulting at Horsley Drive Business Park Stage 1 has been ‘Highly Commended’ for ‘Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design’ and the achievement of ‘world leadership in sustainable design’. Costin Roe Consulting was given special recognition during the annual award presentations at the Stormwater NSW Conference 2017, held in Newcastle where the […]